Hello viewers,
I just want to thank everyone first who has seen my blog. Thanks. It shows that you actually care about me and I truly appreciate it. Although my writing style isn't top notch, I try to communicate the main things to you.
So what has happened in the past week? More than you can believe. I work in the Music Department at the university I attend and there are many skills that are applied to this job. Not only am I answering phone calls or helping whoever that walks in the office, I sort through books, libraries, and even do some gardening. Yeah, it is strange that my job requires gardening, but whatever can pay the tuition is fine with me. I didn't think that I would have time to go on Facebook or text on my phone, but at my job it's completely fine. I love it and what better way to get experience for owning my own shop then working in a music office.
I also took a brief shopping trip with one of my friends to Kohls. I was looking for comfortable shoes to wear. Instead, I bought a Snoopy t-shirt. I don't know why every time I go shopping I buy something that I don't need.
I've met lots of new people. It seems like I can never meet enough people. Today my piano professor decided to have everyone that gets lessons by him would have to play in front of all of the other students. That was pretty interesting. I felt like everyone was judging me on every single note I played. I got through it thank God, but that's going to happen again in a couple of weeks. Pray for me.
Also this week is midterm week. I had an essay exam in my class Seeing Disease on Monday. I literally had to rush through that exam since it was only one hour long. When it comes to writing, my ideas don't come that fast in my head. I got through it though. Hopefully I did well. I also had a Music Theory exam on Monday. I got 100% on it. That is the third time in the row. I feel so accomplished. I took Midterm part one for my Business Geographics yesterday. We had to create a map using a program called ArcMap. It's pretty interesting, but I think I did well. There will be Midterm part 2 tomorrow where there is multiple choice, true or false, and matching. Pray for me. I also took my Business and Econ Statistics Exam yesterday. I was really concerned about that class since I never had a math class above Algebra 2 before. I have a B- in the class right now, but I'm aiming for an A.
One club that I'm in is called the IMANI Gospel Choir. We rehearse every Wednesday night. I'm pretty excited since the director said he found a perfect piece for me to sing as a solo. Most of you that know me know that I don't like singing or talking in front of people. Wittenberg has definitely making me grow in those aspects. I thank God for providing me with opportunities like that so I can step out of my comfort zone.
That's all I have to blog about today. Your prayers are helping me get through every day and I thank you for that. I will be coming home this weekend so if you want to here more stories just come visit my house. Love you all!!! :)
~Kristina Joi~
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